REVA University


PROJECT : REVA University, Bengaluru
LOCATION : Bengaluru, India
CLIENT : REVA University
AREA : 2 Lakh SqFt.
TIMELINE : 2016 – Till Date
Architect : Sanjay Bathija
STATUS : Complete

” We call them the Learning Spaces ” a unique yet balanced environment which creates an Aura for students and teaching staff alike, while enhancing the quality of critical thinking and responsibility to help forge responsible future citizens for the country.

For the most part, the educational system and its spatial expression Design decisions have implications for the outcome of the educational process. Based on a 2015 study from the University of Salford which concluded that well-designed classrooms could boost learning progress by up to 16% in a single year. It helps them develop feelings of responsibility. Moreover, the array of factors making up physical comfort have the most significant impact on learning.

Other research suggests that students exposed to low visual distraction perform better academically than those in high visual distraction spaces, thus highlighting the need for moderation in the design of learning spaces.